Thursday, October 13, 2011

Installing Creative Game Port Drivers for Windows 7

My pre-teen son’s computer still has an older Creative Labs Audigy 2 sound card with the game port controller.  The Audigy 2 is still a great sound card for the games and music that he is currently interested in.  Anyway, we recently upgraded him (along with several of the other computers in our home) to Windows 7 from Windows XP.  It was a relatively painless experience since I always do a fresh install after formatting the drives.  All my systems have a clean separate hard drive for the OS.  I decided to stick with Win7 32-bit for his computer because he does not have more than 4 GB of memory and there is greater driver compatibility with the 32-bit drivers than with the 64-bit drivers. 

Windows 7 had no trouble finding drivers for all the hardware, except . . . you guessed it, the game port controller on the Audigy.  With a little research, I discovered that Microsoft discontinued support of the game ports starting in Windows Vista.  WinXP was the last OS to provide support for this sound card.  Well, that should have been the end of it.  I could have easily ordered an inexpensive (or a higher quality) USB game controller for the PC and be done with it.  However, whether it was intellectual curiosity or a morbid nostalgic fondness for the Microsoft Sidewinder gamepad that I passed on to my son (the gamepad, not my my nostalgic fondness), I wanted to see if it was possible to still use our favorite gamepad under Win7.

Game port drivers are no longer supported by Windows

A little digging led me to a very helpful forum post on how to install Creative game ports under Windows Vista.  As the forum post states, although meant to work for Creative game ports, it will work with almost any game port from any vendor.  It uses hacked files and requires a manual install to force Windows to accept the (naturally) unsigned and unverified drivers.  By the way, I’ve run the files through the antivirus program and looked specifically into the “inf” files to ensure no viruses, trojans, or other malware.  They’re clean.  And from all the forum comments, they seem to work great under Vista.  However, after several attempts, it was clear that the instructions do not work under Win7.  As I came to realize, there is a slight difference in the way Win7 installs unverified drivers that won’t allow the method provided by the forum site to work.

Use hacked drivers to install in Windows 7 and Vista

So, after a little effort, I came up with a method to make it work in Win7.  Basically, it involves an additional step of manually installing the gamepad controller driver after installing the game port driver.  I’ve included these updated instructions along with the necessary files here.  This is based on the files and instructions in the package from Daniel Kawakami (daniel_k), the original poster on the Creative Labs forum.  I take no credit for the work of Daniel Kawakami other than to modify his instructions to allow it to work for Win7.  Since I had decided to make this available to others that may be in the same situation, I took the opportunity to update some of the files in the original package.  The original package had very old files (i.e., 2003), so I extracted the “ctgame.sys” files from the latest (2010) Audigy driver package from the Creative website.  These are now included (in lieu of the older "ctgame.sys" file) in the hacked package.  I also took the opportunity to modify the “inf” files to reflect the newer date of the files.  So when you go into “Device Manager” to look at the driver details, Windows doesn’t show that your drivers are dated “2000,” which makes it look like your drivers are from the Win9x era!  These are purely cosmetic changes (except for the updated “ctgame.sys” files), but I thought I would make it available since I was already going to post the modified instructions to get it to work under Win7.  The instructions are included with the driver package here

Remember, you will need to have “admin” privileges to install these drivers, and it’s recommend that you disable UAC before starting.  I always have it off, but you can certainly re-enable UAC after installation is completed, if you feel naked without your UAC.  This hack is confirmed to work with Windows 7 32-bit if the installation instructions are followed correctly.  This may also work in Windows 7 64-bit, but I haven’t tried it since none of my Win7 64-bit systems have game ports.  If you decide to try it with 64-bit Windows, please let me know if it works, and I will update the information on this blog. 

[Update 1]  Some users have reported that, while the controller and gamepads will install correctly, the gamepad may not actually work.  If that happens, the simple fix is to open the Control Panel.  Find and click on the Gameport Controller icon.  If it’s installed properly, your gamepad controller should be listed.  Select your controller and click “Properties.”  Click the “Test” tab.  Click on any button on your gamepad.  If the proper button on the “Test” lights up, your gamepad is now working correctly.  You may need to repeat this whenever the system needs to re-initiate the controller (usually after a reboot).

[Update 2] It's been confirmed that this hack will NOT work with Win7 64-bit.  Essentially, the WoW64 emulator will not work with 32-bit drivers.  The hacked drivers are all 32-bit drivers, and Win7 64 requires the 64-bit drivers.  For more information see my explanation in the comments section below.

[Update 3]  As most people know, the majority of file sharing sites such as "MegaUpload" and "Hotfiles" no longer allow access to all the files that have been previously uploaded.  Therefore, the link in the post to download the files no longer work.  If you would like a copy of the files, please provide a valid e-mail address that will allow you to accept attached files.  Gmail apparently does not allow zip files to include any type of "exe" file, so please provide something other than a Gmail address if you would like the a copy of the files.  If anyone can recommend a place to host these files so I don't have to constantly e-mail these files out, I would very much welcome any suggestion.

[Update 4 (as of January 21, 2013)]  A reader has generously offered to upload the files to a server for easy download.  Please click on the links in the post to download.  Let me know if the link is broken.  
[Update 5 (as of October 23, 2020)]  As you can see, I have not updated or monitored this site in years.  I cannot imagine anyone still having a game port controller, let alone trying to find drivers to use with these archaic controllers.  They were outdated when I created this post back in 2011!  Now that Win7 has reached the its End Of Life (EOL), I'm even more flabbergasted by the fact that I am still getting requests for these files every couple of months.  For the security of your systems, might I recommend you move up to Win10 or Linux?  In full disclosure, I have to admit that I was, like many people who found this blog, a true diehard Win7 user to the very end.  I only jumped onto Win10 last year, and that was only because Microsoft forced my hand by finally ending Win7 support on January 14, 2020.  I have experimented with various Linux distros, especially those that mimicked the look and feel of Win7... yes, I was still holding on to my Win7 love to the very end.  Although, some of the distros looked liked Win7, they just didn't give me all the options and control that I could customize and tailor with a Windows system.  Also, gaming was limited as well it lacked complete compatibility with the all the productivity applications I use for work.  I finally made the leap to Win10, and as annoying as some of the aspects of the OS is, I found that I could have almost as much customization and control as I did with Win7.  Certainly not as much control as Win7, but I learned to live with it.  I also have the added benefit of being able to use most, if not all, the programs that I used with Win7.  Also, the peace of mind of not running an outdated OS that was not receiving any security patches, made the decision to move to Win10 much more palatable.  

Anyway, this very long-winded updated is to simply say that the modified drivers are no longer being hosted anywhere.  Yes, I still have the files--I don't know why.  If you are one of the slightly insane people that still needs to use these drivers, please provide an email address (that will allow you to accept zip files) and I will send it to you whenever I get the chance.  If you do post, asking for the drivers, can you please explain why?!?  I kind of have to know at this point.

[Update 6 (as of November 30, 2021)]  This is just so crazy that I'm still getting random emails asking for these old driver packages.  I've finally uploaded them to 4Shared and the links should be active again.  You can download the files here.


  1. Tried it in Win 7 x64 - but doesn't work.
    The Creative Gameport driver is easy to install.
    But in the second step the joystick is not recognized, this means, there is no unknown device showing up.
    So I tried to add a device manually and pointing to the *.inf files.
    Windows comes up with an error message for each *.inf file, saying no compatible x64 drivers has been found.

  2. Sorry to hear that it didn't work for you. There was a similar thread on the Creative Labs forum. They came to a similar conclusion.

    The problem is that 32-bit programs can run on x64 systems because of the WoW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit). The WOW64 subsystem of the Windows OS is what makes a 64-bit system capable of running 32-bit applications. Essentially, WOW64 is a type of emulator that switches the processor hardware from its 64-bit mode to compatibility mode when it becomes necessary to execute a 32-bit thread, and then handles the switch back to 64-bit mode.

    WOW64, however, does not work with hardware drivers. The hardware drivers must have native 64-bit drivers in order for the hardware to properly interface with the 64-bit OS. Unfortunately, as far as I know, Creative (nor anyone else) has ever written a 64-bit driver for the old gameport controllers. Had anyone created a driver for WinXP x64, then I may be able to help.

    1. where is the download link for Win7 x64 drivers?

    2. Where is the download link for Win7 x64 drivers?
      I really want to fix Audigy 2 Platinum Gameport.

  3. Hi, I have a similar problem, and the link to Hotfile is broken? Can you reupload or send me the files please. Thanks.

    1. Hi,

      I've been traveling and don't have access to my files on my desktop. Most of the upload sites have all gone done since the government's take down of Megaupload. Anyway send me a message with your e-mail and I will send you the file package when I get home tonight.

    2. could you please send me these files also.i too have the audigy2 zs appreciate it.thank you for your help...chris

  4. any chance you could send me the files to give this a try? I have a old audigy 2 zs and have some gameport yoke ad rudders for flight sim I would love to be able to use. Thanks very much

    cerichardson (at)

    1. Again, since all the upload sites seem to be down, I can't find a good free space to upload the drivers. If you would like a copy, please post with a e-mail address. I have no sending it to you without one.

    2. Hi Lankshire!
      I would really appreciate if you could send me the files as well:
      Do you know if there is any PCMCIA-card (with gameport) that would work with this method (or does it have to be a audigy-card?)?
      It's time to dust of my old MS sidewinder wheel! =)

    3. Please mail it to me, too.
      I'd like to try it with my SB Live! Player 5.1.

      Thanks in advance

      mail_nospam /

      (_nospam ist part of the address)

    4. I don't think you provided an e-mail address I can use. Please post again if you would like the files sent to you.

    5. Lankshire if you are still keep tabs on this thread I could use the files too.

      A.)Thanks in advance


      B.)Screw You ;)

    6. Hello Lankshire. I could do with these files if you've still got them. I'm still using XP so I can use my old flight yoke and pedals which cost me a lot of money and are far more rugged then the flimsy USB versions. Thanks in anticipation.

    7. Everybody's got them in their inbox.

    8. Hi. Could you please email me those drivers as well. Thanks.

  5. Still not working any uploaded files.

  6. could you kindly email me that package if available please?
    my email:

    thank you

  7. files please moc.oohayAT1xratsartlu im sure ur smart enough to see its backwards

  8. Hi Lankshire :-)
    Could you send me the files and instructions to please?
    Cheers, Tim

  9. Could you please email me the files? I have the same problem with my Audigy 2 ZS.


  10. hi could I have a copy? I'm having the same problem with a SB Live!


  11. Lankshire: Please email the files and instructions to Thanks a bunch.

    1. As stated in previous comments, Gmail does not allow zip files, so you will have to provide another e-mail address.

  12. Can yoy kindly give me the game-port file for Win 7?

    Many thanks!

    1. As stated in previous comments, Gmail does not allow zip files, so you will have to provide another e-mail address.

    2. my another e-mail:

    3. My another e-mail:

  13. Hi,
    I would like the Drivers please
    is my email address


    Steve Bishop

    1. That e-mail address does not work or does not accept zip files. Please provide another if you want the drivers.

    2. Ok can you try

    3. Im re writing this couse i cant see all the other posts i pls!!! thnx....

  14. Please email the files and instructions to Thanks!

  15. I'd love these files please (

  16. would greatly appreciate these @

    lemme know if that doesnt work

  17. Hi, could you please send me the driver at Thanks for the help! It's good to see that I'm not the only one playing with seven and prehistoric hardware!

  18. Could you send me the drivers? Thank you very much!!!

  19. Could you please email me the files? I have the same problem with my SB PCI 128


  20. can i have the zip files please, my e mail is:

  21. Hi,
    I would like the Drivers please
    is my email address


    Kendall Jones

  22. Please send me them too...

  23. Please.. I need drivers too..


  24. hi there

    it would be nice to have the driver uploaded.
    Im trying to get my sidewinder force feedback Pro ( Gameport ) Joystick active... with a normal usb-to-gameport device it didnt work...


  25. Hi Lankshire,
    could you please send me these files also. i have a very old but very good Terratec XFIRE1024.
    thank you very much for your help...
    sabdigi AT

  26. Hello could you please send me these files and instructions . thank you

  27. Hi!
    It would be really nice if you could send me the drivers please.
    My e-mail is:
    Thanks in advance,

  28. Thanks for researching this solution for us. Please send the files to me at

  29. Replies
    1. If someone would like to provide me with a server to host these files, I would be more than happy to do this. As stated in the post, most of the file sharing sites (that I'm aware of) are down.

    2. mediafire ?

      Anyway would you mind mailing the files to me as well please

      Thanks :)

      p.s heliohost also provides server space for free

    3. Why dont you try posting them as a torrent at Then let everbody know on your site here. any way please send me a set at thankyou

    4. If you would send these drivers to ififellinluv77(no spam)I would greatly appreciate it. Atyahoo

    5. I have web space and would be happy to host them for free. Please contact me @ and we can discuss further. And please send the files as well.


  30. The file is no longer available...

    Could you please send me these files also.i too have the soundblaster audigy2 zs.

    thank you for your help...

    1. its the men!

  31. I found these files here:,com_docman/task,doc_details/gid,35/Itemid,29/

    Enjoy !

  32. can u pls re-upload???

  33. Can u pls send me the files here???
    thnx a lot... ;)

  34. Could you send me the files to karaya (at)

  35. Hi, I don't play very many games anymore but thought I would like to try your programs anyway. my e-mail is

  36. Thanks for all your efforts Lankshire.
    There is now a new Daniel K release (4.5).
    Covers Win7&8 32&64 bit

    cheers Tony

  37. Hello, Lankshire! Do you think these drivers might work on Windows 8? Could you please send me a copy to parreiradan [a] Thanks in advance! o/

  38. Hi,
    Will you please send the drivers to

    Thanks in advance!


  39. Hi,

    Would you send the drivers to


  40. Hi,

    Could you send me the zip file with the drivers. I have the same problem...gameport not working in windows 7 on Soundblaster Live card and eventually Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Wheel also not working. My email: lankshiresite.dnz@gishpuppy dot com (this is my alias email which well expire in a week, to prevent future spam against email harvesters visiting your site)

  41. My son just got FSX and is dying to use my 20-year-old analog throttle and rudder pedals (which would cost well over $100 to replace with modern USB versions). I dug up an SB Audigy card with a game port header, and of course couldn't get the game port to install. If you'd send a copy of your files to (remove the zeroes) it'd be much appreciated by a 10 year old boy who loves to fly.

  42. HI could u please send me those please thanks

  43. I would like to have the files and I could provide a server on which they can be uploaded (if they aren't too big). Please send me an e-mail to:

  44. Hello Lankshire,
    I would really appreciate if you could send me the files and instructions to
    Thanks in advance,

  45. could you please send me these files also.i too have the audigy2 zs appreciate it.thank you for your help...

  46. Good day.
    Everything is greate with the game port instalation from your pack, but just 1 problem maybe you can help.
    I have s genius g-08x joystick (2-axis 8 buttons) and the drivers for controller in your pack does not supports. It would be greate if you could help.

    1. Unfortunately, if the your controller is not supported, I cannot help you. As I said, these are not my drivers. I've only slightly modified the drivers in order to have them install on Win7.

  47. Good day
    Greate driver pack. It worked for me but til the controller place.
    I installed the Game port driver and wanted to ad my joystick(Genius g-08x 2axis 8 button), the drivers for such joystick aren't supported in your pack I would really appreciate if you could help with them.

  48. thanks, working on win7_64bit

    1. Would love to see if anyone can get this to work on Win7 64-bit.

  49. Hi, Lankshire, I am MSDOS401, I just messaged you through the creative forums, please disregard that message as I have found your blog and I figure that this would be a better way to communicate with you. First off thanks for you work and everything seems to work just up until I try to install the the driver for my Force Feedback PRO joystick through the device manager, I select were the driver is and windows 7 attempts to install but then returns a message saying that the driver did not install successfully due "the specified file is missing". I fallowed your directions exactly the only deviation is that I did not disable the UAC. Any and all help would be appreciated.

    1. Does it tell which specific file is missing? If it identifies which file, search the zip file to determine if you can find it manually. Otherwise, these drivers may not support the Force Feedback PRO. Also, you may want to try it with UAC disabled if all else fails. Good luck.

  50. Hey, Lankshire I got the drivers installed and now can use my MS force feedback pro joystick. Thanks allot. But as there is always a but, i can not get the force feedback to work, i am playing game that support force feedback but I do not feel any reaction except the default re-centering. Also in the properties window to calibrate the joystick there is no adjustment for force feedback or provision for testing it. As always any help is appreciated.

    1. I've received a comment from someone else that also had trouble getting the feedback function to work. Unfortunately, these drivers may just be limited to the basic functionality and may not support the other advance functions. If anyone has gotten the MS Force Feedback joystick, please post and I will pass along the information.

  51. thanks worked first time

    1. Glad that people are still finding the drivers useful.

  52. Thanks, it work nice on me, THANK YOU.

    1. Still surprised that this is still a useful topic for people.

  53. Hello, I have a logitech wingman extreme digital 3d but when i try to select the "lwngmadi.inf" file the driver select menu only comes up with microsoft sidewinder drivers.

    When i try to separate the logitech inf from the other ones windows says "The folder specified does not contain a compatible software driver for your device, if the folder contains a driver make sure it's compatible with 32-bit systems."

    I'm running windows 7 32-bit


  54. Thanks fella, worked straight away on a rebuilt Dell XPS Gen 5 :)

  55. Hi Lankshire,

    Could you send me a copy of the Win 7 drivers for the Creative Labs Audigy 2 sound card with the game port controller at:

    Thank you.

  56. u da man lankshire thumbs up mate... :)

  57. Is there any case those drivers work in win7x64?perhaps buying a new sound card is the best solution?

  58. As far as I know, these drivers will not work with Win7 x64. I think it's time to upgrade your gamepad. There really aren't any sound cards that would support old gamepad controllers after the Audigy. That's why we've got these hacked drivers for the Audigy. Most new gamepads have USB controllers that will plug right into your computer. No need for the old fashion sound card interfaces. So you're better off upgrading the gamepad (unless you also want better sound).

  59. I have an adapter like this, is there any way to create a driver that simulates a gameport with this usb adapter?

    1. Just looking at the picture, it's an interesting adapter. Do you have any basic functionality when you use it? Unfortunately, I don't have the expertise to create the drivers for such an adapter. I would be curious to see if you do end up finding anyone that can get modified gameport drivers to work. Please post if you have any success.

  60. hi

    i have installed the drives as per your instructions, but i am unable to get the controller for sidewinder force feedback pro is not working i am getting error code 10. can you please help? my email is many thanks

    1. You're not the only one. I've received several comments where people are having trouble getting the feedback function to work. Unfortunately, these drivers may just be limited to the basic functionality and may not support the other advance functions. If anyone has gotten the MS Force Feedback joystick, please post and I will pass along the information.

    2. Hey there and thanks for your time, however I am having the same issue as the above user of Oct 7th, error code 10. I have tried unstalling and removing the drivers and re-installing, as well as that and removing the SB live card, re-starting to make sure it's gone and trying again. All with the same results...and ideas??

  61. Is it not something to do with the address that the game port uses - if i remember in xp it has to be 330 or something similar? if it was set to anything else i would get no feedback?

  62. Sorry, after reading the post above again I notice my problem is different. Upon installing the game port driver I get the error code 10...Also list's the location in the properties as unknown.

  63. Help! I've tried to install these drivers but I only a yellow ! mark on game port icon.

    I downloaded this thing straight from this page. Then follow the read me instructions, went to control panel->device manager, choose add legacy hardware then use 'have disk', then let window copy the contents, but end results which came up with game port but won't function.

    If i choose to install 'gameport' folder, it installs a creative gameport icon but with error code 10, stating this device cannot start.
    Instead if i choose from 'gameport_Ms' folder, it installs a Standard gameport icon but with error 34, it has no resources. The resources tab I checked had conflict with other devices. If leave by auto select, it just plain conflicts. By manual selection it has 2 more extra resources to choose, but the 1st also conflicts while the 2nd is free but has no clear input range. I tried to type in some digits by guess work but also conflicts.

    Now I'm stuck.

    My desktop specs is:--
    Acer AMD Athlon II X4
    Window 7 32 bit home premium
    An old Sound blaster 128 which had work with Window XP before.
    A Microsoft Sidewinder 3D pro which also work before, but now I can't test it unless the gameport issue is solved.

    1. I'm sorry to hear that it didn't work for you. I'm surprised that the creative gameport driver didn't install. The generic creative gameport driver should install on most Creative cards (that still have an actual gameport connection). Unfortunately, I don't have a SB 128 to test it out or help you resolve the problem. Might be time to at least upgrade to a SB live or Audigy card. You can get them on eBay for $5-$10.

    2. Now I got this work out, well, only half of it!

      Instead of going control panel->device manager->add legacy hardware, now I go control panel->device manager->Unsupported gameport, choose update then have disk, then presto, a creative gameport had been installed with no error.

      But this is only half of all stories.
      Then I plug in Microsoft Sidewinder 3D pro, since it didn't auto detect, so I choose Microsoft Sidewinder manually from the list, but it reports 'not connected'. I tried many times n sure that won't work n the flight stick can't be used.

      I guess it can be 4 reasons....
      1) The cable of Sidewinder is damaged.
      2) The gameport of Sidewinder is damaged.
      3) The gameport of Sound blaster 128 is damaged.
      4) something else!

      To test these theories, I need another joystick to test out.

      Later my cousin gave me his Rockfire 8 buttons joypad. Since there was no default Rockfire joypad from the list, so I pick a Standard 6 buttons joypad from the list, again still 'not connected' n won't work.

      Since it couldn't be both sticks faulty, so it can't be factors 1 & 2, but only 3 & 4.

      Now I'm still stuck n there is Windows 8 n upcoming 9 to worry about!

  64. Pease,send me it the drivers,

  65. Could you send me the drivers? Thank you very much! roskapost_1(at)

  66. I just downloaded your file onto a win 7 x64 and it had no problem installing the game port...I extracted the files to a new folder on my desktop and then opened device manager and right clicked on unknown device and then update drivers and did a manual search for the drivers...pointed it to the gameport folder and it opened and said it wasn't signed by MS but I installed anyway and it and thankyou...

    1. That's awesome news. You are the first to report that the gameport drivers work on Win7 x64. Others have tried it without any success. I no longer have a soundcard (or motherboard) with the gameports to try it again. My son and I are now rocking the USB game controllers.

    2. Sometime about 5 months ago I installed an Audigy 2zs with the front panel card on a Windows 7 pro 64bit system. This is for MIDI. I used Daniel_K's package but as I recall the gameport/MIDI didn't work. However, if I recall I found a hack for it, got it working but the process required I find a PCI value, edit a registery value and dedicated this to one specific PCI slot. I also seem to recall English was not the native language of the person who had this available. Now Im pretty good about not deleting stuff and this would certainly qualify as something I'd keep a record of. But I cannot find it and I'd like to change which PCI slot the card is in. Has anyone come across this hack? Device Manager shows the Audigy Gameport as working but I think that nay not be relevant and tevirtualMIDI I do not believe is related to the working Audigy MIDI ports though the author is not native english.

    3. Can you send me the drivers via e-mail?

      I'll PM you the address. Desperately have been trying to search for something that would work :/...

  67. I have been looking for this info for 4 years now , in fact I had a new computer assembled with high end contents 3.5 yrs ago and insisted on the XP operating system again because at the time we could still get the old legacy gameport operating on XP (not Win 7) , but as time passed and newer more demanding racing games were being offered I knew it would only be a matter of time and I would eventually need to install Win7(or8) ....
    I started looking around again and found remnants of this string and emailed a few links to my more technical friends...they were anxious to give it a try .
    So , Win 7 32 bit now installed and gameport functionality seemed to work quite well...for the Microsoft sidewinder ...but my main concern was the 6 or 7 Thrustmaster analog racing wheels I had accumulated . there were Thr. Sprint , Sprint 2 , Charger and a couple more I don't recall right now....all gameport connected and all worked on each others software disc....
    THAT IS WHY I AM TYPING THIS RARE TEXT , I NEED TO KNOW HOW TO ADD THE DRIVERS FOR THE OLD THRUSTMASTER CHARGER(or Sprint) RACING WHEELS (Windows98 era). please please please , I am retired now and almost broke and enjoy messing around with computers with my Grandson .

    1. Good to hear that the gameport drivers work. Unfortunately, if your gamepad controller drivers are not included in the driver package, I cannot help you. As I've stated, these are not my drivers, I've only modified them slightly to get them to install on Win7. They were originally designed for Win Vista by daniel_k. Good luck with your endeavor.

    2. Thank You Lankshire!
      One problem less. :)

      Now i need to find something for PCI Simlpe communications controller.

    3. Hello Lankshire !
      Could you send the Package for WIN 7 32 for microsoft ff wheel gameport to Thanks, Mike

    4. Hello, thank you for your posting here, I would very much like to try to get this working, and would appreciate the drivers to

      Thank you so much!

    5. Hey, don't know if you will see this but if you could send me the drivers as well i would be extremely grateful !

    6. Hi, i'd really appreciate it if you could send me the drivers

    7. Hi, i'd really appreciate it if you could send me gameport drivers. Good work! I've been dying to get my ms sidewinder working again...

    8. Hi I was wondering if you can send me the files to get the gameport to work in windows 7 my email is


    9. Hi I was wondering if you can send me the files to get the gameport to work in windows 7 my email is

    10. would need the gameport driver for win7 32bits or vista 32 bits
      Thank's in advance Donalda42 at

    11. Hi, can you please send me the drivers as well., thanks

    12. Could you please send me the files that fixes the Game port issue, my email is Thanks in advance.

  68. Hi there!
    I was able to get it running on Windows 8.1 x64, but I had to reinstall my system recently, and since then I am getting an error code 12 in Device Manager (Hardware Conflict). I didn't made any changes to my hw config, and disabling devices doesn't seem to change anything. Also, could you provide me a copy of this driver? Link seems to be dead. My email address: (yep, that's it. My personal waste bin, just right to go public ;) ).

    btw, here is my config:
    Asus P8Z68-V Pro/Gen 3
    8GB RAM
    Crucial M4 128GB + 2x Seagate ST2000DM001 RAID1
    Chieftec CFT-600-14AS
    Windows 8.1 x64
    ...and beloved Creative SoundBlaster Audigy SB0230 + kX Driver Pack

  69. Can you please send the driver package to this email:
    Thank you.

  70. Hi Lankshire. It seems that Syba has a sound card with a game port that works, but my old analog InterAct-Europe SV-206 joystick needs a driver for win 7 32/64 bit. It only has 2 buttons on it. Can you help me?

  71. Hi,Lankshire,Could you send me the files as well?

  72. Hello ... I had win7 64 bit and saw that your support pack is not supported ... so I cleared out 64 and installed the 32 bit of win 7 ... I go to the device manager but the gameport device is not listed only the C-Media card in the PCI slot .... no unknown devices nothing ... and I'm sure the game port should be listed under the sound. Anything you can do to help?

  73. Okay I figured out how to install the gameport with the package ... by going to the device manager ... highlighting the c media card and clicking on action and add legacy hardware ... so I was able to install the drivers so now I got game controller in my control panel and "standard game port" is showing where it should now, but I got an "!" next to it this message in the properties ... [quote]Windows cannot determine the setting for this device. Consult the documentation that came with this device and use the resource tab to set the configuration(Code 34) [/quote]

    The problem is I don't know how to configure it. Anyone here know how?

  74. I also need to tell you I have the CH Product Combat Stick and Throttle that the combat stick hook into. If you have any idea how I can manually configure these I would appreciate it. I did contact CH Product, but I don't know if they will help me or not. Thank you for your time.

  75. Hello,
    First, thank you. Provide useful information about what is given.
    I am using Windows 7 64-bit.
    And the Sidewinder game pad (Gameport) has.

    This post is the last hope for me.
    Today, I would try this driver.

    I want you to succeed.

    Timeline of comments on Windows 7 64-bit one person who succeeds.
    I hope that the second person.

    Success or failure does not matter.
    However, I am very thankful to this effort and information sharing.

  76. Thank you for the person who posted the link for the game port drivers for windows 7

  77. Hi, the instalation is ok,in Win 7,but anything joystick work,In the test the button and the axis X /Y no work.The status en el gamepor controller is OK.Mi sound card is winfast 4xsound.Can you help me? Thanks

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  79. Any chance the download like can be fixed or the files emailed to me? Thanks!

  80. Could you send me the link, please ? My email is
    Thank you in advance for your help.

  81. Hi Lankshire, link is broken... Please, could you send me the drivers? Thank you! chiesa20(at)

  82. hello. im having a problem with the installation. i have a logitech wingman formula. i believe its logitech's first steering wheel. anyways, in the past i tried and i got the drivers to work although all the inf files are for logitech sidewinder. but this time when install the driver for the audio card afterwards i dont have any unknown device on my device manager. an suggestions? im using windows professional 32 bit

  83. Hiya...worth a try... hope you still have a copy of the sb live win 7 64bit? Driver. My email .. would love to use my ms force feedback steering wheel ever

  84. Friend, the link is dead again, can you fix it? Do you know if it works on win7 x64?

  85. hi the link is no longer working thanks Rob in Renfrew

  86. Don't know if this blog is still active.
    Could you email a copy of those drivers?
    Many thanks

  87. Can you please send the driver package to cws10(at) ? Thanks !

  88. Greetings!
    I have the files and Daniel K. instructions; but I can't figure out which steps to take to install the Control Panel in Windows 7.

  89. Hi Lankshire
    Could you please send me the potion to make my Gameport alive on my Audigy 2 zs Platinum.
    You would be the greatest

  90. Hi
    Did you get my private message:

  91. Pease,send me it the drivers,
    Thank you.

  92. could you sent to me pi_ou_x at


  93. hello I try to find the creative driver for w7-32 and to install to activate my game port

  94. Please, could you send the driver to Many thanks, regards. Rob

  95. Can you please send me the drivers? Thanks a ton!

  96. Hi, I'm putting together a system using parts I have around and just discovered the issue with the Creative Game Port in Windows 7. Since I like to revisit old PC games, I searched a bit and found your blog about a workaround. Your link to the files doesn't seem to work anymore, so can you upload them somewhere or (yes, yet again) email them to me? Thanks for the info!

    charliemcdo (at) hotmail (dot) com

  97. Please could you help? The links appear to be broken. Thanks.

  98. Hi Lankshire,

    any chance u could send me the drivers? searched a long time for a opportunity to get this working.

  99. Please, I'd like to try the drivers as well for the x64 windows 7.

    If you can, e-mail to this address:

    Thank you!

  100. Please send me the files:
    Thanks in advance!

  101. Kindly send me the files if you still have them:
    Thanks in advance!

  102. Hello!
    Is it possible to upload the files again, it seems that download link is broken.
    I'm trying to install the drivers for Creative Game Port after upgrading from XP to Win 7.

  103. Hi there! Would you send me those files at

  104. I found another Gameport driver pack which seems to work on Windows 7 x64 here:

    I have an old SoundBlaster Live! (no 24bit) with an emu10k1 chip. The driver from above actually installs the Gameport - it's showing up in the device manager to function.

    But now there's no way to add my Sidewinder - I can't find any options for it on Win7 x64. Damn.

  105. Hi, I noticed this is a old thread but I am trying to get an older rc flight sim working for my kids. I have the creative soundblaster live 5.1 and would greatly appreciate it if you could email me the drivers. Thanks!

  106. Dear Lankshire, I am hoping that you can still e-mail out the Win7 Gameport Drivers. I need to access the port for a Midi Breakout box and having been persuaded to updrade my trusty Dell Dimension 5000 to Win 7 I cannot use the Serial Port transfer. My address which can accept zip files is I hope you can still help. Tony McLean

  107. much appreciated if you could send me the drivers.

  108. I finally found this blog post after several hours of searching the net!! I'm so glad I did and that you're still helping folks resolve this issue (Thank you!!)

    The files however I was unable to get, if you could be kind enough to email them to me as well. My email is kanishka(dot)h85(at)gmail(dot)com

    Thank you.

  109. Hi Lankshire,

    Could you send me a copy of the Win 7 drivers for the Creative Labs Audigy 2 sound card with the game port controller at:

    Thank you in advance.

  110. HI i'd like to give it a try can you please email these files to me?

    Is this thread still active ?


  111. Pls i am unable to install the game port on win7 32 bits
    pls send again the package to

    thank's for your help

  112. Hi Lankshire,
    could you send me a copy of the Win 7 drivers for the Audigy ES (SB0160) at:
    Thank you very much!
    P.S. Any tip for free frequently used file sharing storage in Czech Republic:

  113. i dont know if these messages are getting through
    So ill try again

  114. Hello,
    You probably never are on here anymore, but if you could please send the files. I would REALLY appreciate it! I have been trying so hard to get my old sidewinder FF to work....

  115. Could you send me the drivers please? 3989487[at]

    Thanks in advance :)

  116. Grateful if you would send me the drivers. Much Thanks! My email:

  117. Mirror:*/

  118. Could you send the driver to ""? Thank you in advance!

  119. The kx driver project seems to support the gameport also for some creative soundblaster cards

  120. Do you possibly still have this driver you can email please? I would like to take a shot at it with another Win7 64 machine.

  121. Hi, would it be still possible to obtain the driver? And since even the second download link does not work anymore, I could host the files for you and send you the link so you can post it here again. This is the only page that describes the problem as it is in detail. Drop me a line if you wish... benes_martin[at] Thank you.

  122. Hi, great to read there is som driver for Windows 7 64-but, but will this work under Windows 8.1 64-bit? I can give it a try of the driver can be sent to me.

    Thanks in advance.

  123. Hello Lankshire, please help me with the drivers! pic00poc(at)

  124. Any chance of hosting this driver pack somewhere please?

  125. Well, the link in update 4 doesn't work.

  126. Hi, could you send me the files, please? Thanks! hellseller(at)

  127. Hi, could you please send me the drivers? thank you very much, if they work you'll be my saviour ! :)

  128. I would like the drivers.

  129. Hi Lankshire
    I would like to try your solution too ... on a Dell Dimension 4600 Series, which I just upgraded from XP to 7. Could you send me the drivers too (if this whole topic is not too outdated for you, which I could understand).
    My email is
    Thanks in advance,

  130. Hi. Could you please email the drivers to imacmill(at)

  131. Could you send me the drivers? Thank you very much!

  132. If you still have the drivers van you send them to me?

  133. I install Daniel_K driver in my Audigy 2 ZS in windows 10, and now? There is any way to add my Cybord 3d Digital manually?

  134. Hi, it's been a few years and the files are down. If you are reading this, can you email the file to

  135. I don't know if you are still monitoring this post, but I would certainly like to get these drivers for my gamport on my Windows 7 machine. I'm curious to see if my Flightstick Pro and Pedals will be brought back to life! I'm at composimon at hotmail dot com. Thanks!

  136. Boa tarde amigo poderia enviar os drives e tutorial para Obrigado

  137. Boa tarde amigo poderia enviar os drives e tutorial para Obrigado

  138. Hi Lankshire coul you upload again your modded driver? I resumed and old PC and I need it please. Thx a lot

  139. Please send drivers at THANKS!

  140. Hey Lakeshire, I am taking a chance on messaging you about these drivers you worked on. I know this is a really old post, but I am hoping that you can still my message. I would love to have these files and see if I can re-write the driver for windows 7 64 bit. I successfully did this with a driver for an older SCSI card that was said over and over in forums that it just will not work in anything after Vista but it is happily working great in Windows 7 64 bit because my determination to re-write the driver to get it to work. You can send them to junk_reporter at yahoo dot com Aslo, you can rename file extensions on any file to be able to send them on any email service. Just change the zip or exe to a txt, doc, xls or any other file format and then tell the person what type of file you sent so they can rename it accordingly. I do this with friends all the time when an email service won't allow certain types of files. =) Also, I would be glad to host the files on my dropbox in case anyone would want them later.

  141. Hi, can you upload the drivers again please? would like to try on my creative card
